After crashing his automobile while a woman was practicing oral sex on him, a motorist is lucky to still have his penis.

According to police, the driver was having oral sex with a woman while driving, which caused him to lose control of the vehicle.

In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, he collided with an oncoming FedEx vehicle.

The collision was not life-threatening but the impact of the crash made the female passenger accidentally bite down hard on her lover’s penis.

The SUV driver suffered serious bite injuries to his manhood. The female passenger, who was also practically naked in the car, suffered minor injuries.

Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue told News 10 that a crew was immediately sent to the scene of the head-on collision at North Ocean Boulevard and 19th Street.


The news channel says there were two people inside the FedEx truck whose injuries were minor compared to the naked pair in the SUV.

Fire officials confirmed the woman inside the SUV had been performing oral sex on the male driver, which caused the collision and left him with injuries to his private area.