These are the kind of the guys that can cause our kids to be confused. Looking at the body of this guy, today’s generation can be able to justify that, it is right to be gay. They will ask you a question that, if God didn’t want him to be a gay, why did he give him a body of a woman?

This can be used in the question of homosexuality, but one thing that people must look at is that, God did not give him a female organ. If we can all decide our sexual orientation depending on how our bodies look, I think we’ll have a confused world. They are ladies that do not look like females at all, but they have raised families.

Ladies who are somebody’s smothers today, there are somebody’s wives, but looking like a man. We need to follow the mandate of creation as ordered by God. No matter how much we may reason, no matter how our body appearance may look. So I just hope that this guy may be reached with an understanding coming from the word of God.

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