SOUYH AFRICA – Despite being the only country with more foreigners in the country, both documented and undocumented South Africa has turned into a play ground for foreigners where they do as they please the law in this country is too lenient to criminals to an extent that foreigners don’t even think twice before commiting all sorts of criminal acts in this country since they know that if they get arrested, they will only be deported back into their countries and then they will find their way back which is the easiest thing for them since our boarders are literally none existent, they commit crimes and go out to celebrate their success while filming themselves just like these guys who were celebrating on this video.

A video emerged on social media where three foreigners were seen celebrating what looks like a possible successful robbery as they splash cash cash on the floor.

On the video, three guys who are clearly foreign nationals from Zimbabwe were in a jubilant mood, they had probably made a successful robbery on that day, they decided to have their celebrations on record and filmed themselves while celebrating their success, they splashed a lot of hundred rands notes on the floor, while they were on it, two of them pulled out guns and cocked them as they show off that they also know how to use guns.

There are so many guns in this country where people are shot and killed on daily basis, a few days ago there was another video of yet more heavily armed foreign nationals who were also flaunting guns around fearless, they were reportedly those who do illegal mining and they reportedly were saying they were ready to take on anyone who would try to stop them from mining, that is how lawless out country has turned into, foreign nationals do as they please in this country.


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