We’re humans, with shared psychology and hormonal systems that make us do what we do. No matter the situation, age, or gender, there are a few universal crush signs that say more than meets the eye they’re in our genes, and those invisible rule books of how to procreate (sorry!). Here’s exactly how to tell if someone has a crush on you!

1. You Find Signs Of Him Or Her Constantly Checking You Out

In real life AND social media, that is.

This is one of the most important signs someone has a crush on you, so it landed right in the first spot on this list. The way this person reacts to you, both when they meet you in real life, and while interacting on social media, is a sure giveaway of their feelings.

Here Are Some Subtle Crush Signs You May Notice:

  • You notice that this person is looking at you often. It might be a daring eye stare, constant glances, or a shy peek once in a while, but a person who has a crush on you finds it hard to not look at you at every possible chance;
  • That person is constantly leading you with their eyes when you’re speaking, giving presentations, or walking in and out the door. Basically, if you’re at the center of attention, they will be your most loyal watchers. They will notice when you arrive and when you leave, pay attention to how well you manage your work, and sometimes – even what you ate for lunch;
  • On social media, a person who has a crush on you will surely follow your accounts. You may receive a bundle of likes on Facebook or Instagram too, because a person who has a crush on you will hit that like button no matter what content you share. Usually, the stronger the crush – the more attention they will pay to your online feeds. In the year 2021-2022, this still is a crush sign number #1!

2. Their Body Language Screams “I Like You”

When someone has a crush on you, their body language can give out more information than they would like. Our body language and gestures give away a ton of information that we aren’t even aware of!

For Example, When Someone Has A Crush On You, They Might Display These Physical Signs Of Attraction:

  • Have a hard time keeping or breaking eye contact;
  • Blush or stutter when chatting to you;
  • Try to stand straighter and taller, appear stronger (or more seductive if it’s a female);
  • Touch their hair a lot;
  • Bite their lips slightly when looking at you;
  • Even the position of their feet can be revealing  – if your crush has their feet pointed directly at you (without facing outwards), it’s also a subtle crush sign to look for.

Another interesting sign that someone has a crush on you is the way their pupils act. That’s right! Their pupils. It’s been proven that when people encounter something they really like, their pupils tend to expand and appear larger. So, the next time you’re trying to read your crush in a stare-off, take a look at their eyes to see if there’s any pupil dilation.

3. They Act Differently Around You

To tell if someone has a crush on you, think about how they act around other people. If they have a distinct approach when it comes to friends or relatives, yet become a different person around you, they probably have a crush on you, yes!

First of all – he or she will offer you a lot more attention and at the same time – be very attentive to what you say or do. They might even become protective of you and try to defend you against other people.

Someone who has a crush on you will suddenly perceive you as the funniest and the most adorable person in the universe (including your jokes – they become the absolute funniest jokes in the world).

Some Other Crush Signs To Look For In Their Behavior:

  • They may bring you food, small gifts, or souvenirs from their weekend trips;
  • They may try to be a center of attention if you’re somewhere around;
  • They might appear nervous, clumsy, and even a little bit awkward around you. This is all thanks to the adrenaline rushing through their veins and arousing their nerves;
  • They will offer their help, without being asked;
  • If their love hormones are particularly active, they might be even openly flirting with you!
  • They show signs of strong emotions like excitement and joy when you’re around.

4. They Try To Be Next To You, As Often As Possible

One of the most obvious signs that someone has a crush on you is their effort to be near you as much as possible. It’s like they’re constantly looking for an excuse to be in your proximity. Specialists say that when we truly like someone, we perceive them as our center of gravity and it is quite natural to move around your crush. We do that to show our love interest or simply to enjoy being next to them.

Therefore, A Person Who Has A Crush On You May:

  • Appear in places where you hang out;
  • Try to “accidentally” touch you in social gatherings, or find an appropriate reason to get physical (“Heyyy, have you seen all this cat hair on your sweater? Here, let me help” – cleans the sweater). These accidental touchings release hormones oxytocin and dopamine which are able to enhance intricate social activities and speed up couple bonding. Rest assured that someone who has a crush on you will also find a reason to hug you!
  • Try to borrow something from you to have a reason to talk again;
  • Try to show you something interesting on their phone.

While some of these crush signs and interactions might just be friendly moves, if these behavior changes become more regular or obvious, they’re almost undeniable signs that someone has a crush on you.

5. They Try To Show You (And Their Friends) That You’re The Coolest Person Around

Another sign that tells you a person has a crush on you is that they concentrate on finding out as much info about you as possible. They want to know you and include you in their life as much as possible.

You May Notice Social Crush Signs Like:

  • Asking you questions about the things you like (like food, movies, music, books, hobbies, sports, etc.);
  • Constantly admiring you for your skills, or accomplishments;
  • Happily introducing you to their friends or family members;
  • Regularly giving you compliments on everything, starting with your clothes, the way you look, and ending with your “wildly impressive knowledge of cats!”;
  • He or she may be trying to be a very good friend to you.

The reason these things happen is that when someone has a crush on you, they’re constructing a romantic mental image about you. This person believes that you’re the coolest person they’ve ever met, they feel like winners in the lottery, and you’re a big golden prize they’ve been waiting for their whole life!

6. They May Try To Look You In The Eyes… For A Little Longer

Ah, the classic! Trying to keep eye contact just a little bit longer, to send a signal that says “hey, I adore you and this eye contact is an expression of my romantic interest in you”. Why does it happen

Psychologists think that when someone has a crush on you, they try to analyze you for crush signs too. The way you respond to this prolonged eye contact is a crucial source of information to them! And while starring at someone can be creepy, if you like the person back – it can actually be really sweet.

When you catch this kind of behavior (and, yes, it might feel difficult or scary), if you like him or her, you can respond to their cues by connecting your eyes and even smiling a little. A mutual gaze will give them a special hint that you are feeling the same. This will boost their confidence to approach you and strengthen your connection, because expressing feelings is the first step to start a beautiful relationship.

7. They Try To Keep The Conversation Going

Another way to identify that someone has a crush on you should be looked for in conversation.

The next time you’re chatting with your possible crush, try to exit the conversation for a short period of time (to check your phone, to go to the bathroom, etc.). The manner in which he or she responds will tell you a lot about their feelings:

  • If they look eager to reengage in the conversation as soon as possible – they’re definitely are interested in you, or at least in what you have to say;
  • If they ask you would like to chat again or mention words like “can I catch you later?”, they’re looking forward to talking to you again.

A person who has a crush on you might also be texting you on a regular basis, messaging you on Messenger, or trying to find a reason to call you on the phone.

And finally, don’t ever be doubting the straightforward words. If your possible crush wants to meet you over a cup of coffee, it’s not just a sign that someone has a crush on you – it’s a proof!

8. He Or She Tries To Look Their Best

Last but not least the all-time-best sudden glow-ups, makeovers, and other obvious ways to look better.

Let’s admit that not everyone looks their best at all times… But when people have a crush on someone, they suddenly:

  • Start to look very polished and smooth;
  • Try to look their absolute best (you might even catch them rearranging their outfits to remove any wrinkles!);
  • Chew minty gum or use breath fresheners often;
  • Change or improve their hair, makeup, or skin game;
  • Buy new clothes more often;
  • Start using more perfume;
  • Become more physically prominent in group settings and parties you both go to;
  • Start to lose weight or lift weights to gain more muscles.

This is because when someone likes you, they try to impress you and kind of seduce you with their physical appearance. Thankfully, these crush signs are much easier to notice than the bunch we have reviewed before.

So Crush Or Not? A Recap

At the end of the day, while it is rather entertaining to play a detective and find if someone has a crush on you by yourself, if you like that person back, it is always better to talk and express your interest. Sometimes we are not sure if the feelings are mutual… Communication here is crucial – especially if you want to skip looking for all these crush signs and know for sure.

“Do you have a crush on me? Cause I have a crush on YOU.

And even if your assumptions are wrong… It’s still better to find it out than to keep feeding yourself lies. Being rejected may be painful, but with time, it goes away. Remind yourself that people have very different preferences and some people are just more friendly and outgoing than others. Even if someone says they are not interested in you romantically, it doesn’t make you less valuable or attractive. Their taste is just different – that’s it.

And even if your crush doesn’t like you back (or if you don’t like the person who has a crush on you), it’s not a reason to break off the friendly relationship. You can still be friends and keep looking for that special connection that succeeds! Because no matter who you are or how you look, there’s always someone who will get a crush on you just because you’re their type.

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