Police in Lilongwe, on Sunday, July 17, 2022 arrested a 21-year-old man, for allegedly assaulting to death unidentified person who duped him K70, 000 at Gondwa Village in Traditional Authority Mazengera, Lilongwe, on July 16, 2022.

The suspect has been identified as Maliwa Modila of the same particulars.

It is said that on July 16, 2022 unidentified person (now deceased) along with unknown accomplice went to the village, met the suspect (Modila) at his butchery where they offered for sale a pig that was not physically in their possession at that time.

Without realizing that he was being tricked, the suspect paid K70, 000 and agreed to accompany the two, to go and collect the pig somewhere.

While on their way, one trickster bolted with the cash, leaving behind his colleague.

To evade arrest, when asked to explain on the whereabouts of the said pig and his colleague, the trickster (deceased) suddenly started behaving as if he was a mentally challenged person.

The development angered the suspect, who assaulted the trickster heavily.

He was pronounced dead upon arrival at Nathenje Health Centre.

His body still lies at the Central Hospital’s mortuary waiting to be identified by relatives.

The suspect, Maliwa Modila, will face murder charge which contravenes section 301 of the Penal Code.

Meanwhile, police in the district condemn acts of taking laws into own hands.

For the past six months this year, January to June, Lilongwe Police has registered 30 murder cases compared to 40 cases registered during the corresponding period in 2021

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