Relationships are a lot of work, but they can also be incredibly fun and rewarding. While you can’t actually make another person happy, with a little effort and basic kindness you can help give your girlfriend what she needs to find joy in your relationship.

You’ll need to get to know your girlfriend as an individual and figure out what she needs, wants, and values. It’s also important to be supportive and treat her respectfully, and to look for ways to keep the relationship exciting and fun.

1. Compliment things outside her look

I hate to break it to you but most women hear you look pretty or you have a great body almost every day, however, there are some compliments that are not common and will make a woman stop in her track to appreciate you.

2. Be Vulnerable

Okay, being a hard guy is cute but then, once in a while, women want to see the vulnerable side. This is not to say call every time and be sobbing, but discuss your problems with her.Your woman is as important as your job, please her and make efforts to be a better man for her.

3. Ask her for help

You may be a big, fully grown man. But that shouldn’t stop you from asking your girl for help now and then. By letting your girlfriend see your vulnerable, helpless side, she’d feel closer to you because you aren’t afraid of showing your weaknesses to her.

4. Let her know you’re lucky to have her

Did you have to woo your girl for a while before she finally accepted to date you? Always let her know that you still love her just as much as you did when both of you first started dating.

And more than anything else, let her know that you appreciate her and still look at her the same way as you did when you first fell in love with her. If you feel lucky to date such a wonderful girl, remind her about it all the time.

5. Provide financial assistance.

As an individual, you must financially support your spouse. Love alone isn’t enough in a romance; your partner must also be financially secure. Although money is not everything in a relationship, you must understand that money plays a great role in keeping a woman happy and satisfied in a relationship.

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