As infighting continues in the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) over leader of opposition post in Parliament, camp of the party’s Vice President for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa has organized a mega rally in Blantyre.

According to a poster seen by this publication, the rally will be held on July 31, 2022 at Nyambadwe Community Ground.

The rally has been organized by DPP’s estranged Secretary General Grezelder Jeffrey and will be presided over by Nankhumwa who is also leader of opposition in Parliament.

The rally will be spiced up by live performances from the Black Missionaries Band, Anthony Makondetsa, Khonzie Masimbe and Yanjanani Chombo.

Previously, the Peter Mutharika camp led by Dr. George Chaponda organized the rally at the same venue but it has been cancelled for two times.

Earlier information indicated that the said rally will be held July end.

Meanwhile, it is not known as to whether the Mutharika camp will proceed and hold the rally at the same venue as previously announced or not.

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