The Lilongwe First Grade Magistrate’s (FGM) Court on July 18, 2022 convicted and sentenced Mustafa Maulidi, 40 and Justin Mtambalika, 22, each to 5-years imprisonment with hard labour for robbery.

The court heard through prosecutor Sub Inspector Edwin Nachipo that, the duo on the wee hours of March 16, 2022 broke into their neighbor’s house in Kawale 1, while the owner went to his home village to attend a funeral and went away with all items in the house.

As the duo were breaking away, another neighbor heard the noise outside, peeping through the window he caught sight of one of the convict carrying mattress which prompted him to follow up.

After being quizzed the convict lied that he was relocating but the neighbour insisted to be taken to the former house, a thing that the convict failed to honour.

Prosecutor Nachipo added that, few minutes after taking the first convict to police the second convict was also apprehended after he was found entering the same house.

Appearing in court both convicts pleaded not guilty which prompted the state to parade three witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

In mitigation the convicts asked the court’s leniency citing that they are first offenders.

In his submission prosecutor Nachipo asked the court to grant a stiffer punishment stating that such cases are on the rise in the area.

Passing sentence, His worship   Magistrate Chakaka Nyirenda concurred with the state hence slapped each of them to 5-years imprisonment with hard labour as deterrent to other would be offenders.

Maulidi comes from Kwisanga Village, Traditional Authority Chamba in Machinga while Mtambalika hails from Nyalugwe Village, Traditional Authority Msabwe in Thyolo District.

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