Violence against people committed on the basis of their gender is referred to as gender-based violence. Its roots are in detrimental norms, power abuse, and gender inequity. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a significant human rights issue that poses a danger to one’s health and safety.

Many people’s first thought when they learn that someone is involved in an unhealthy or abusive relationship is, “Why don’t they leave?” This kind of reaction could seem reasonable if you’ve never been in an abusive relationship. Throw up your hands and carry on with your life, right? However, it’s never as simple as “simply leaving” when it comes to relationship abuse.

In some situation women stay in this situation because they need financial support and some just feel like the man will change for the better and others just don’t know anything different.

Speaking of abuse it brings me to this woman whom her reasons are not clear but after her man allegedly beat her to this point, she claims to still love him and this caused a stir on social media, with people just being amazed on how one can still love someone who does such a thing.


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