An irate mob in Ndamera area in Nsanje district, last evening burnt to death an unknown man suspected to have had a hand in the recent murder of a mobile money agent, Zuze Samson 31.

The district’s Police Spokesperson, Sub Inspector, Agnes Zalakoma, the mob attacked the man in question before setting him alight as he was running away along with other two suspects.

She saithe irate communities, pounced on the man after Marka police acting on a tip off, raided a house of Elisha Shadreck, aged 24, from Mphamba village, in which the suspect and his two friends had been hiding since Friday.

The Nsanje Police Spokesperson added a motorcycle which was stolen in the incident has been recovered from 37 year old, Fred Love, of Tizola village, T/A Lundu in Chikwawa district, the suspect has since been arrested.


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