Former President Peter Mutharika who is also leader of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has expressed shock over the death of Anganga Esnart Mazvipi Mussa.

Anganga Mazvipi Mussa died on Monday afternoon after a long illness.
She was a mother to former Minister of Sports Henry Mussa.

In a statement Mutharika has said he is deeply saddened with the death of Mussa’s mother.

“His Excellency the former President, Peter Mutharika and Gertrude Mutharika and the entire Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leadership is saddened by the passing of Anganga Esnart Mazvipi Mussa.

“Anganga Mussa was the mother to Hon. Henry Mussa, one of the founding members of the DPP and long serving Member of Parliament for Chiradzulu East Constituency,” reads in part the statement.

Anganga Mussa will be laid to rest on Wednesday at her home village, Mtupanyama in the area of Traditional Authority Kadewere in the district.

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