Police in Salima are keeping in custody Mabvuto Mpika, 38 for being found in possession of Chamba at Kamuzu road in the district.

According to Salima Police Publicist, Sub-Inspector, Jacob Khembo, Police were tipped by members of the community that Mpika had stocked Chamba in his shop.

Khembo said, “Following the tip, a team of detectives raided his shop and arrested the suspect after he was found with 126 twists, 210 cigarettes, 14 plastics, 2 sack bags and 5 buckets which all contained the illicit drug”.

Khembo added that Mpika will soon appear before court to answer charges of being found in possession of cannabis sativa without licence which contravenes regulation 4(a) as read with section 19(1) of the Dangerous Drug Act.

Meanwhile, Police in the district has hailed communities for their support in the fight against crime.

Mpika hails from Mtonga Village in Traditional Authority (TA) Kalonga in Salima District.

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