It depends what you mean by natural. There are unfortunately no pills, creams, ointments, supplements or over-the-counter medications that are going to change penile curvature due to PD.

Straightening your penis is going to take some physical help.

Although it should not have to be said, do not forcefully bend a stiff manhood. This can lead to a penile fracture and an urgent operation.

One natural way to straighten a penis is patience.

Some cases of PD will resolve spontaneously with time. If it’s been over 6-12 months however this is less likely.

If non-invasive options are included in the “natural” category, then one at-home remedy is penile traction therapy.

Used twice a day for 30 minutes, you strap your good buddy into this device to elongate and stretch out the plaque.

When used for up to 12 weeks it has shown to safely improve both penile length and curvature.

According to other sources, penile curvature can be treated by stretching the penis when not stiff, three times daily for 30 seconds per stretch.

Also, straighten the penis when experiencing a spontaneous stiffness unrelated to intimacy for 30 seconds, once daily.

Castor oil:

To treat Peyronie’s disease naturally apply castor oil on the penis, particularly on the scar tissue and the plaque spots.

The oil liquefies and softens the hard tissues and works effectively for the sufferers.

The remedy takes about 12 weeks for the improvement and to completely straighten the penis.