An anonymous University lady from an unknown tertiary institution has shared a moving story about sleeping with her stepfather from level 100 to level 400.

The lady has sought advice from Auntie Susie online, as she is unsure what to do given the extent of her relationship with the stepfather.

In recounting the origins of her predicament, the Level 400 University lady stated that she first met her stepfather following the death of her father.

She struggled to get along with her stepfather for the first few years because she believed he was attempting to replace her deceased father.

Fast forward, she and the surrogate father started to get along (only God knows how it started) when she got admission into the University.

“He made sure I had everything I wanted”, the lady recounted in her statement.

Revealing what led to her confusion now, the Lady disclosed that the stepfather one day came to her campus and took her out shopping.

The man came alone instead of normally coming with the wife (the lady’s mum) to her campus to visit her. Maybe he had his plan and wanted the best way to shoot his shot.

So after the day’s shopping, the man dropped her off back at her hostel and they somehow kissed. It was one of the unexpected kisses. According to the lady, she was left shocked after the happening.

Moving on, as revealed and confessed by the lady, from that kissing day, she started chatting with the stepfather and he also in turn spoiled her more to a point of becoming more intimate.

The anonymous University lady admitted to having countless sexual bouts with the stepfather from her level 100 days till now, in level 400. And now she’s expecting a baby with him her mother is unaware of.

Here comes the confusion that made her run to Auntie Sussie for advice, She says the stepfather who after their intimacy has been good and supportive to her wants to leave the wife (her mother) for her. and marry her.



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