Mbakuwaku Movement for Development (MMD) President Peter Driver Sinosi Kuwani has demanded justice in the shooting of a fitness trainer Chikondi Makawa.

Makawa was shot dead at Gateway Mall on Sunday in Lilongwe after failing to pay for bottled water he purchased.

Writing on his official facebook page Driver Kuwani expressed shock over the conduct of the police officer on the matter.

“As the President of Mbakuwaku movement for Development I demand the arrest of a police officer who shoot to death a fitness trainer Chikondi Makawa (36years) for failing to pay for a bottle of water.

“Police ilibe mphamvu kapena ulamuliro ogwiritsa ntchito mfuti pa munthu amene alibe chida. Uyu ndi wapolice olephera kugwira ntchito yake bwino,” wrote Kuwani.

He added: “2025 mu nthawi ya MBAKUWAKU simuzamva police ikulamulidwa kuombera nzika zake pachifukwa choduka mutu ngati chimenechi.”

Meanwhile, the police officer who killed Makawa has been arrested.

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