President Hakainde Hichilema continues to excite Zambians over his humbleness with the latest being a photo showing him kneeling before chiefs during Lwanza Traditional Ceremony of the Tonga.

Hakainde Hichilema graced the ceremony which happened on August 7, 2022 Bweengwa in Monze District, Southern Zambia.

During the ceremony, the President was spotted kneeling before chiefs when he went to greet the chiefs, attracting praises from his followers.

In his speech Hakainde Hichilema saluted the chiefs for being in the forefront in preserving culture.

“We are delighted to see traditional leaders from across the country interacting with each other at these occasions. This unity in diversity is what we wanted to see.

“Our position is clear: We are not in competition with our traditional leaders, we are complimentary in delivering development,” said HH.

He added: “We are one Zambia! One Nation! One People and therefore let’s embrace the various cultures and traditions existing in our country.”

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