The First Grade Magistrate’s Court in Rumphi on Thursday convicted and sentenced Doshan Tchongwe 40, of Samuel Khoswe Village in Traditional Authority Jalavikuba in Mzimba district, to 20 months imprisonment with hard labour for escaping from lawful custody.

Tchongwe committed the offence on August 10 2022, at Rumphi First Grade Magistrate’s Court where he was answering theft charges
It is reported that when the convict heard adjournment of his case, he jumped out from the dock and started running away but he was caught by police officers who were at the court premises.

In his submission, police prosecutor Sub Inspector Malumbo Jere stated that Tchongwe deserves a maximum sentence of escaping from lawful custody.

Concurring with the police prosecutor’s submission, First Grade Magistrate Cuthbert Phiri slapped him with 20 months imprisonment with hard labour as a signal of the would-be offenders.

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