Two young lads aged 22 and 24 have been jailed for six years for robbery by the Blantyre Central Magistrate’s Court.

Geoffrey Ngwira, 22 and Mwayi Chirambo, 24 were on August 15, convicted and sentenced for attacking and robbing James Chitowe in Ndirande Township.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Mark Kavalo based at Ndirande Police Station, told the presiding Senior Resident Magistrate Euphrazia Moyo the duo and a juvenile (name withheld) who is answering the same case at Soche Child Justice Court, on August 7 this year, attacked James Chitowe before robbing him of his cellphone and K120,000.00 cash.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Mark Kavalo said Chitowe was heavily assaulted and left unconscious during the incident and it happened few metres from his house when he was coming from work.

Appearing before court, they pleaded guilty and in mitigation, both asked for a reasonable sentence, citing they have dependents who will suffer if sent to jail.

Prosecutor Mark Kavalo, quashed the mitigation factors, stating only the cellphone was recovered, the victim suffered a big loss. The convicts are also answering other robbery related charges in other courts and are a threat to society saying they deserve stiff sentences to deter other would be offenders.

Magistrate Moyo, concurred with prosecutor Kavalo hence sentencing them to 6 years imprisonment with hard labour each.

In a related development, the Blantyre Third Grade Magistrate Mary Ndagonera Gomani has also convicted and sentenced Geoffrey Ngwira, 23, to 6 months imprisonment with hard labour for stealing Huawei cellphone of a chips seller at Ndirande main market.

Prosecutor Sergeant Mac Donald Bvimbani said on August 6 this year, the convict visited Mike Phiri at his business place in Ndirande Main Market.

He convinced him to temporarily borrow his cellphone, to play some reggae songs. As Phiri was busy serving customers, Ngwira took advantage and disappeared.

He was then arrested by police on August 12 on robbery related charges and revealed to officers to have stolen the gadget.

In court, he pleaded guilty of theft charge which contrary to Section 278 of the Penal Code, hence the 6 months sentence.


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