Esther not her real name and didn’t want to disclose her face in an interview has narrated how her sister’s husband bought her chips and later booked a room to sleep with her but she refused.

According to her is that after she completed her class eight her parents didn’t have money to take her to secondary school and so she was taken to a polytechnic and did fashion and design for two year.

After she completed her course her sister who stays in Nairobi called her to stay with her kid because her house girl had gone home and she didn’t come back, she says that was the first time she came in Nairobi and she was very happy.

After few weeks her sister’s husband offered to take her around Nairobi to know places so that when they send her to get something she can’t get lost, she says that it was on a Sunday and they went just the two of them.

Esther says that she was shown many places and when the time to take lunch they went into a hotel and he bought her chips and because the hotel was too noisy he told her that they can carry them and go and eat in a quiet place.

She says that she was taken in a guest room, when she asked him why he have taken her there he told her to keep it as a secret between the two of them and not to tell her sister.she was shaken and she refused to sleep with him.

She opened the door and that when he gave up and they went back home,she didn’t open up to her sister and the next day she told her she wanted to go back home.she only shared with one of her elder sister who advised her not to tell anyone what had happened.

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