Lots of people think that anus is the dirtiest part of our bodies since it is in direct contact with fecal compounds. However, this is no longer true since scientists from the Harvard School found out that there are other body parts that contain even more bacteria than the anus. So, here are they, read through to find out.

FINGERNAILS. Having long nails is good and stylish detail especially for women, but it is also a dangerous source of bacteria if not treated on time. Skin located under the nails has bacteria that can have severe consequences if is not cleaned and treated. We recommend you to clean your nails and hands before and after every meal and another contact with food, rubbish or other dirty compounds.

BELLY BUTTON. This cannot be excluded from the list since it is hidden source of bacteria. The naval is the most sensitive part that needs to be cleaned every day. If you do not practice every day cleaning it might form naval stone that can be transformed in a tumor.

BOTTOMS. Many different bacteria are stored in this part of the body. Clean them properly.

NASAL CAVITY. Dirt in the nose is another source of bacteria. If you do not clean your nose regularly the waste can go through channels to the sinuses and head, causing more serious health problems.

ARMPITS. Armpits are the second placed dirtiest part of our body that are a shelter for more than 80 000 bacteria. By using perfumes and deodorants you are only neutralizing the odor, but you are not dealing with germs. Try to wash your armpits every day with antibacterial soap.

EARS. Earwax in the ear canal has lubrication that cleans bacteria, liquids, and water in the ear and because of it, it is one of the dirtiest parts of the body, comprised only of bacteria and waste.

TONGUE. Since it is linked with the mouth, the tongue is another bacterial storage. When you clean your mouth do not forget to clean your tongue too.

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