Dedza Dynamos Salima Sugar FC midfielder Lameck Gamphani is reportedly missing after being sent to Lilongwe to buy household items.

According to a statement seen by this publication, Gamphani went missing on Monday 19, 2022.

Gamphani is said to have been sent to buy 3 TVs and phones.

According to his family, he managed to buy everything and send pictures on WhatsApp around 2PM that he is leaving Lilongwe for Dedza and he was expected to be home by 4pm yesterday but up to now he is nowhere to be seen with his phone off.

After checking with Airtel Malawi, they said his phone was switched off last evening at Chinthembwe in Ntchisi.

“If anyone by any chance see this face pliz get in touch with us as soon as possible and currently his family has traveled to the said area to look for him.

“He last used his phone at2022-08-22 14:54:18 according to information from Airtel and the phone was switched off while at CHINTHEMBWE in Ntchisi,” reads in part the message.