ZAMBIA – A MAN of Serenje in Central Province has gone on the run after beating his wife to death for dancing with another man at the bar.

What begun as a happy weekend outing for Brian Mambwe and his wife Judith Mukosha eventually ended in a ghastly crime of passion.

In defiance of Dr Brian Sampa’s ban alcohol campaign, hand-in-hand the couple strolled to a local bar to swallow some intoxicating beverages.

After one or two drinks, the music became irresistible to Mambwe’s wife who vacated her seat and stormed the dance area to jive away her stress.

However, this did not go down well with Mambwe especially that his wife even picked a male dancing partner.

On their way, home Mambwe brought up the issue of his wife dancing with another man but the discussion took an ugly violent turn.

In the ensuing physical fight, Mambwe picked an object and repeatedly hit his 35-year old wife resulting in her death.

After noticing he had knocked out his wife cold, all the alcohol sublimed from Mambwe’s blood streams making him realise he was facing prospects of meeting the hangman if caught.

Mambwe then took off and and is currently hiding in one of the massive farms of Serenje.

Central Province Police Commanding Officer Dennis Moola confirmed the incident to ZANIS in an interview.

Moola added that the deceased’s mother Iness Chibuye 53, reported the matter to the police.

The Police chief also revealed that Mambwe is currently on the run and that police have since instituted a manhunt.


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