ZAMBIA – A WOMAN of Lusaka has cried to the Lusaka Boma Local Court that she has remained unploughed for over 52 weeks despite being married to an able-bodied man with properly functioning tools.

More painful to 40-year old Justina Mukuka of Ten Miles area is that; despite her marriage slowly but surely withering away due to s3xual drought, she stumbled upon a packet of Rough Rider condoms in the pockets of her husband’s clothes just last week.

In place of hugs, kisses and romantic bedroom spanks, Justina has instead been receiving slaps, kicks and punches from her husband of 16 years, Ishmael Lange.

And when her husband and the father of her three children is not in the mood to unleash his marshall arts skills on her, he cowardly resorts to biting her.

In fact one of Justina’s fingers faces possible amputation following the bite she received from her husband just last week.

Tired of the beatings and lack of bedroom action, Justina now petitioned for her marriage with Lange to be dissolved.

Justina told Lusaka Boma Local justice Prudence Bwalya, that not only does her husband abscond from his bedroom duties but that he does also not eat the meals she prepares in their matrimonial home and that he has cut financial support to the family.

Given chance to speak, Lange said he had no objections to Justina’s petition for their union to be dissolved especially that she was not welcoming to his relatives.

Lange complained that Justina had expelled his nephew from their home and forced him to go and stay with his friends.

On biting Justina, Lange said he had only resorted to bite his wife because she was annoying.

On account of the violence and lack of love as shown by the couple, the court dismantled their marriage.

Justice Bwalya observed that a marriage with no bedroom action for a protracted duration meant that partners had no desire to be together.

She ordered Lange to compensate Justina with K10,000 which should be paid in K700 monthly installments with another K700 monthly child support.


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