Sometimes people fight back when they are attacked by so called pastors who call ancestors demons. A source shared about a man who killed his children for practicing their belief. It is alleged that when they were praying they were shouting fire fire and he didn’t really like that in his house. Man felt that they were calling his ancestors demons instead of making him understand their religion and belief.

Man was angered by how they prayed for him, instead of calling on the Lord. He was surprised to hear his children shouting fire at him as if there was something in his life that is out of this world. ” I was never ready for such disrespect” he said. I couldn’t handle the insults anymore, man further stated that he has a psychological problem, and was once tied with chains because of a mental disorder.

Hearing another man call his ancestors demons was the last thing in his life to endure. Even though some people are being told ancestors are demons majority still go to such churches for prayers. Do not forget to share this article after reading, comments are highly appreciated Danko. Two of his children were declared dead.


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