The outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020 had the entire world racing against time to save the lives of the people. Unfortunately many people succumbed to the virus.

With that being said, we can not run away from the fact that, leaders of each country had to find a way, a cure rather to alleviate the spread of the virus to save the lives of those who are still surviving.

Vaccines were them introduced and people were urged by the president of South Africa to take the jabs to protect themselves.

However, the vaccines came with different side effects as others would get severe headaches, while others would have severe back pains.

While many would have thought , they are out of danger, a young man’s life is about to change forever because of the vaccine.

It is alleged that, Pfizer vaccines has left him with no other option but to ampute his entire arm according to his doctors.

South Africans shared their concerns on the situation.


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