White Ribbon Alliance has urged the media industry in the country to strengthen advocacy in the Primary Health Care (PHC) system by investing more in the primary health reporting.

The WRA on Friday brought together the media, health surveillance assistants, community health workers so that they can connect for effective collaboration in bringing PHC issues to light through training.

Speaking in an interview after the training Communication and Advocacy Manager for White Ribbon Alliance Newton Kalua said the media play a huge role much as policy decision making is concerned and Policy decision makers depend on the issues that are brought forth through the media to make proper decisions.

Communications and Advocacy Manager for White Ribbon Alliance Newton Kalua

“If issues that are taking place in the PHC system are brought to light or are frequently reported the PHC system will be improved,” Kalua said.

He said the media helps in bringing different issues forward including those to do with health as such he said they regard them crucial in bringing a huge change in this sector.

“We want them to change some of the policies so that we can improve the lives of people in the village and that they channel more money in the primary health sector and this can only be done if the media brings out those gaps,” Kalua said.

However Kalua said there has an improvement in the PHC over the years but said they need to see more investment in this sector.

One of the community members from Kalindang’oma village Traditional Authority Mponera Catherine Mwale said the changes that they have noted is mostly mobility challenges.

“It is hard for the health workers reach some of the villages to provide health assistance to people because they are far and what happens is that they do not fully cover everyone and some villages remain behind as far as getting primary health care is concerned, said Mwale.

She said as community members they need more of these issues to be brought forth by the media so that they are addressed properly.

Ministry of Health Deputy Director for Preventive Health services Responsible for Community Health Doreen Namagagula Ali said through the implementation of the community health strategy 2017/2022 the ministry has achieved a lot in the area of PHC.

“We had put in place relevant community health guidelines that guide how stakeholders should be implementing their community health activities.

“In addition we have done a lot of work at the community level in development of community health structures that are functional for example village health committees, community health action groups and health sector management committees and also health centre hospital management committees,” said Ali.

WRA Malawi supported the Ministry of Health on the training with funding from Primary Health care Performance Initiative (PHCP) under the theme “media –the magic bullet in Primary health care advocacy and financing towards achieving universal health coverage in Malawi.”

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