Councillor for Blantyre City Soche East Ward Leonard Chimbanga has said the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) will return to power come 2025 despite performing poorly in the just ended by-elections.

Chimbanga warned the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) not to be carried away by the outcome of the by-elections conducted by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).

“Political scientists, political commentators, and overzealous party cadres are taking the just-ended local government by- Elections as a referendum on how popular MCP is and predicting a similar outcome in the Presidential election in favor of MCP. Wrong .

“First of all none of these Wards belonged to DPP in the first place. They only fell vacant because of the demise of the incumbent councilors who belonged to UDF as of the case of Shire Ward in Balaka, Lupembe in Karonga- Aford and Chitipa- MCP,” wrote Chimbanga.

He added: “Again if you look at the numbers you will notice of the 24,000 registered voters of Shire Valley only 5000 turned out on the voting day and the winner scooped less than 2000 plus votes in an an area that has 24,000 registered voters. You do the maths.

“People were not interested in voting. That is voter apathy. DPP has not lost a ward in these By-Elections. We could have added a few more if we had invested more in our candidates.”

Chimbanga hinted that Chakwera remains one term President.

“So my fellow blues there is really no need to worry. MCP have only managed to get something from their fellow Tonse Partners Aford.

“President Chakwera will remain a one-term President because he will vacate the Statehouse in 2025 for mishandling the economy, corruption under his watch, and his incompetence,” said Chimbanga.

He added : “DPP has lost by- Elections before 6-1 in 2017 and still bounced back to win General Elections. Let me encourage all party faithful to remain loyal to the Party and His Excellency Prof Arthur Peter Mutharika. Work hard to strengthen the areas, branches, districts, and regional structures.

“We are bouncing back in 2025. DPP Woyee!”

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