1. He loves being physically close to you.

Whether the two of you are cuddled up on the couch or standing next to each other waiting for your cab, a man loves being close to the woman in his life. It’s a great way to feel connected, feel comfortable, and feel good with someone both physically and emotionally.

But why are men attracted to women? Well, it’s hard to beat the feeling of the woman you care about laying on your chest or resting her head on your shoulder. Don’t ask me why, it’s just the science between men and women.

2. He Wants To Be Able To Share His Passion With You

Men are desperately searching for someone in the world to share their passion with.

Every guy is deeply interested in some subject – the thing that he “nerds out” about more than any other.

It’s the thing that he talks about that seems like it changes his whole demeanor. Even shy guys have no problem talking about their passion, once you get them going.

Find out what he’s passionate about and ask him about it. You’ll discover that guys who are normally shy, closed off, or withdrawn will gush about the subject they care the most about.

When you’re talking to him about his passion, your goal is to find out why he’s passionate about it.

When you know the answer to that question, you’ll know a whole lot more about him, who he really is and what makes him go.

It also makes him feel a much deeper connection to you. If you put in the time to find out why he’s so passionate about his favorite subject, he’ll feel like you get him as a person, on a deep deep level.

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