Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C, with more of it than an orange, according to the researchers. Cucumber, on the other hand, includes an enzyme that interferes with vitamin C absorption, making your digestive tract unhappy and canceling out some of the benefits.

Is cucumber and tomato salad good for weight loss?

Tomatoes and cucumbers are high in protein and low in fat and calories. A diet consisting solely of tomatoes and salad is not a healthy one. It is suggested that you increase your protein intake.

Is it good to eat cucumber and tomato together?

Accordingly, it is typically advised to avoid combining cucumber and tomato. They should not be eaten together because they both digest in very different ways, which can result in the development of acid and bloating.

Additionally, the fruit behave in a way that is harmful to the body. While cucumbers actually hinder your body’s ability to absorb vitamin C, tomatoes have more vitamin C than an orange. Because of this, it is advised never to consume tomato and cucumber together.

As you just discovered, these two nutrients have quite different digestion processes. You run the risk of getting stomach aches, bloating, gas, lethargy, and nausea when you combine foods that are difficult to digest.

Tomatoes need more time to ferment while cucumber is very light on the stomach and easy to digest.

These types of unhealthy meal combinations may also make any underlying digestive problems you may already have worse. They might eventually slow down your metabolic rate.

Why This Is Bad For Digestion

Gases and liquids are generated as food ferments. The procedure can be uncomfortable if there are two items in the stomach that are very different from one another and one digests fast while the other does not.

Other gases and secretions have the potential to cause illnesses that could be avoided. The combination of these fruits might cause conditions like bloating and acid reflux.

If your diet is severely restricted for some reason, you can also take supplements or get your vitamin C from strawberries, potatoes, peppers, Brussels sprouts, and a variety of other nutritious foods.

However, whether or not to combine certain items ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Although most people won’t be severely impacted by this combination, you should pay attention to how you feel after eating a salad with cucumber and tomato.

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