In as much as contraceptive is designed to protect one from diseases, there are some diseases which one can contract even under protection. These include;

1. Syphilis

Syphilis is one of diseases which are transmitted from an infected to a healthy person through contact. Apart from this mentioned method of contracting it, syphilis can be transmitted through blood products such as use unclean needles or during blood transfusion whereby the blood is unscreened.

At the initial stage, the main symptom is formation of painless sores on the mouth which heals and then other symptoms comes forth.

2. Genital Warts

Genital warts is an infection caused by Human Papilloma virus abbreviated as HPV. Research has shown that even when under protection, one can contract this disease because it is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact which includes handshakes or hugs.

Seeing that these diseases are dangerous and can be prevented, we should lead a healthy lifestyle by abstinence where possible and being faithful to your partner.

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