One of the country’s controversial preachers, Prophet Austin Liabunya has yet again resurfaced with a new prophecy regarding the country’s leadership ahead of the 2025 Presidential polls.

The new prophecy comes barely hours after the Afrobarometer predicted that the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is more popular now than the Tonse Alliance of President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

In his new prophecy, Liabunya has claimed that the newly appointed Secretary to the Office of the President and Cabinet Colleen Zamba will rule this country as President.

“I saw a woman becoming president over Malawi. But the situation will not allow her to. I will share more at our overnight prayers in Area 23 this Friday night.

“#The Senior One has spoken,” said Liabunya in a facebook post which is accompanied by the picture of Colleen Zamba.

The post has attracted mixed reactions with many Malawians attacking Liabunya over his prophecy, saying he is fake.

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