Very few signs of illness persist after an infection has cleared up. Symptoms of HIV can take up to 10 years to appear, which is a significantly longer time frame than the duration of treatment with HIV medications. This is why regular HIV testing is crucial, especially if you’ve engaged in unprotected sex or shared injection equipment. With proper HIV treatment, you can maintain your health and live a normal life. Sex-transmitted HIV can be mitigated or eliminated altogether through medical intervention.

Symptoms such as fever, pain, and vomiting are common in the first two to four weeks following HIV infection. Your body’s initial response to HIV infection is flu-like symptoms. At this time, your immune system is overrun with viruses, making HIV transmission extremely likely. Usually, people only experience symptoms for a few weeks before they go away completely. Nonetheless, even if you don’t feel sick, you could still transmit the virus to others.

Immune system CD4 cells (also known as T cells) are a primary target of HIV infection. Inability to fight off illness due to a lack of CD4 cells. The likelihood of contracting a nonlethal infection is increased as a result. Aids is a result of HIV’s gradual destruction of the immune system.

These are some of the warning signs of AIDS:

Canker sores, which can lead to cancer (thick white coating on the tongue or in the mouth), Throat pain, yeast infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, frequent infections, fatigue, headaches, and rapid weight loss are some of the symptoms of this disorder. unusually easy bruising, diarrhea, fever, or prolonged night sweats.

Inflammation or hardness of the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, or groin; a deep, dry cough; difficulty breathing. Symptoms include a rash, bleeding from the mouth, nose, anus, or vagina, and the development of purple bumps on the skin or inside the mouth. Numbness spreads throughout your body, making it difficult to move and weakening your muscles.

When HIV infection is left untreated and CD4 cell counts drop dangerously low, the result is AIDS. If you don’t get treatment for your HIV infection, this is what will happen to you around the ten-year mark. A person’s progression toward AIDS can be slowed or even stopped altogether with treatment.

Don’t put off getting tested for HIV on a regular basis; doing so will give you peace of mind about your health and the health of those around you. Don’t keep this lifesaving information to yourself; share it with others.

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