Hip Hop artist Penjani Kalua commonly known as Fredokiss has said the demonstrations to push for release of John Mussa a teen age boy serving a three year jail term for being fund in possession of Chamba will go as planned.

Fredokiss said this yesterday day after the high cough judge Vikochi Chima only reduced Mussa’s custodial sentence from eight to three years.

The Ghetto Kingkong, the #freemussa protest will take place on September 15, 2022 in the commercial city of Blantyre.

Mussa was arrested in June this after allegedly being found with 78 plastic bags of Indian hemp. He was sentenced to eight years in prison a few days later.

One of his lawyers, Chikondi Chijozi, said they will appeal the ruling which has slashed the initial jail term from eight years to three.

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