Vikings High School former head teacher known as Domniano Adunya has been arrested for allegedly sodomizing students.

Adunya was arrested on Monday afternoon after he was found with some four male students at his home in Soroti district.

It is said Mr. Domniano Adunya was caught after students went missing from the school holiday teaching and as parents looked for them they were found feeding their behinds to Adunya.

“This is a man who can call you during late hours, you don’t find him calling you during day time. He always calls during late time from 11 pm onwards and when he calls you, he first begins by telling you those good words about academics then after he changes,” said one of the students.

A boda-boda cyclist in Soroti city told journalists that Adunya cornered him one night when he rode with him to his house.

The cyclist, whose name has been withheld to protect his family, says that the renowned academician lured him inside his house around midnight and attempted to sexually assault him.


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