Some political analysts in the country have blasted the United Transformation Movement (UTM) for blaming President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera over the challenges rocking the country.

On Sunday, UTM led by the party’s Vice President DR. Michael Usi invaded Ndirande Township with a mega rally where speakers attacked President Chakwera from left and right.

Others even went further asking the Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima to resign from the Alliance.

But speaking in an interview with the press two political and governance analysts Wonderful Mkhutche and Humphrey Mvula agreed that the latest UTM accusations on the current regime (which they are part of) attest to people’s perceptions that the Alliance is no longer intact.

They argued if the Alliance was intact, the party would solve their differences with their partners at a roundtable than pushing the blame on Chakwera and his Malawi Congress Party-MCP.

“This is a deliberate move by UTM so that Chakwera and his team are discredited by the public. The speakers at the rally were trying to distance UTM from the failures of government as if they are not in control. It will have long term effects,” said Mkhutche.

On other hand, Mvula said the accusations show that UTM followers have no understanding on the difference between government and party affairs.

The analysts have since urged the two leaders and other alliance partners should go back to their drawing board and correct their differences.

MCP is yet to comment on the accusations.

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