A 27-year-old man identified as Ben Nyozani who is suspected to have been a member of cattle rustlers has been hacked to death by an irate mob at Katenje Village in Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza.

Preliminary investigations have revealed that Nyozani on (date) raided the house of Chikhwaya Katsache and fled with three herds of cattle.

Katsache heard hubbub of his cattle and shouted for help where members of the public apprehended the suspect and assaulted him to death.

The body of Nyozani has since been taken to Dedza District Hospital Mortuary pending postmortem.

Meanwhile police in the district have urged the public to hand in anyone suspected to have taken part in committing the offence to their nearest police formation in accordance to section 34 of criminal procedure and evidence code.

Dedza Police have further cautioned members of the public against taking laws into their own hands since the victim is not given an opportunity to defend himself and that the act could also lead to the hurting of innocent people.

Nyozani hailed from Lobi Village, Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza district.

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