A 27 year old Zambian man has confessed having an affair with his biological brother’s wife and reaching to the extent of fathering a child with her.

Narrating his story on social media, the man said he has been having an affair with his sister in law for five years now and he is so in love with her.

Read the whole story below…

I have been having an affair with my elder brother’s wife – man reveals

I am a 27 year old guy and I have been having an affair with my brother’s wife for about five years now. They have been married for ten years and they only have one son who happens to be mine.

My brother is a business man and he travels a lot, his wife is very beautiful and I have always been attracted to her. We started seeing each other and we even have a son together, my brother thinks my son is his.

I haven’t been able to fall in love with another woman because I am in love with my brother’s wife and I know she loves me too. She is only with my brother for his money.

For the past five years, I have managed to control my anger and jealousy but I am tired now. I can’t stand to see the woman I love with my brother, I want my son and my woman to be with me and I am planning on telling my brother about this.

I feel bad that I have to tell my brother because he has always been like a father to me, he is the one who took me to school and even got me a job but I can’t keep sacrificing my happiness for his sake. How can I tell him this in a gentle manner?

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