Claims had emerged online that Supreme Court justices Philomena Mwili and Smokin Nanjala had handed in resignation letters to Judicial Service Commission.

And now Judiciary has come out and termed the reports as fake.

The Supreme Court unanimously upheld the presidential election results from last August, in which deputy president William Ruto was proclaimed the winner with 50.5% of the vote.

Lady Justice Martha Koome, the Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court, delivered the verdict,by dismissing many of the petitions that alleged fraud in the technology used in the electoral process, while acknowledging a serious problem in the electoral commission’s governance.

However, the court determined that the electoral breach is insufficient to nullify or annul the vote.

Judges also found no convincing evidence of tampering with the uploading of forms 34A to the public portal or unexplained anomalies between votes cast for various elective seats around the country and those cast for vice president William Ruto.

The petition had tried to overturn the results of the presidential election.Along with six other parties, long time opposition leader Raila Odinga, who failed to win the presidency on his fifth attempt, petitioned the court to nullify vice president William Ruto’s victory.

They claimed that widespread anomalies jeopardized the integrity of the August 9 vote. Ruto received 50.5% of the vote, while experienced opposition leader Raila Odinga received 48.8%.

While the chairperson of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, Wafula Chebukati, maintained the election’s legitimacy, four of the commission’s other six members dissented, claiming a lack of openness in the vote count.

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