1: Germs, germs, germs.

It’s impossible to escape the fact that phones draw germs.

According to microbiologist and author Jason Tetro, you can easily detect hundreds of bacteria, as well as fungi and yeast, on phones.

Many are possible pathogens that can make you ill, but most are benign. Additionally, visit the bathroom if you really want to uncover some nasty viruses. Many bathroom fixtures, including urinals, toilet seats, handles, sinks, and faucets, are contaminated with germs, and the danger that our phones will become even more contaminated is growing.

  1. Hemorrhoids and other toilet-related ailments.

Sitting on the toilet for 20, 30 or 40 minutes puts unnecessary pressure on the rectum, which can cause hemorrhoids and definitely aggravate preexisting hemorrhoids,” says Dr. Partha Nandi, creator and host of the Emmy award-winning show Ask Dr. Nandi, which focuses on gastro. “By prolonging that pressure on the rectum, you can aggravate gastrointestinal problems, and a problem that is moderate, like going too much or too little, can become very serious.

  1. Your brain desperately needs a break

The mind may be pleading for a break by making bowel motions. According to author and productivity coach Peter Bregman, “the worst thing for productivity is probably when you are on the phone in the lavatory.”

“Never allowing your mind to unwind and roam will prevent you from coming up with solutions to the more complex, difficult creative issues that are ultimately more significant than sending an email response in five minutes.

Our brains are able to explore the depths of our thoughts thanks to those moments of boredom that we are losing more and more. Almost all of our best and most original ideas are generated in this way.”

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