CATHOLIC Diocese of Ndola Bishop Benjamin Phiri has advised the newly ordained 12 priests to stay away from women.

Bishop Phiri told the newly ordained priests that they need to pay a blind eye to anything that will remove them from the path of serving God , which includes women.

Speaking during the ordination of the 12 at Catholic Church St Anthony of Padua parish in Ndola on Saturday, he warned them that there will be some flock in the church who will want to lead them away from the calling to serve God, but that they should remain prayerful.

” You will need to be blind when it comes to wealth, money and even women. I have been in the church for a long time and I can testify that there are some among the flock who will deliberately target you, but you will have to be strong. However, you cannot be strong if you do not walk with Christ and that is why you must always pray,” he advised.

Bishop Phiri also said that he did not want to see priests who after denying everything else, become champions of everything else stating that the newly ordained priests needed to be consecrated in God.

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