Police in Sinda District, Eastern Province have launched a manhunt for four robbers who robbed a Sinda resident of property worth K45,750 before raping his wife.

Eastern Province Acting Police Commanding Officer Kennedy Chibwe says the incident occurred around 01:00 hours on Tuesday.

Mr. Chibwe says the robbers stole from Vakachani Phiri of Cheketani village in Chieftainess Kawaza’s area.

He says Mr. Phiri heard some noise on the door and when he went to check, he found the four masked intruders already in the house.

Mr Chibwe said one of the assailants pushed the victim to the ground and in the process, the mask came off and the victim was able to recognize him.

He says it was at this point that the victim was hit in the head with a hammer and became unconscious.

Mr Chibwe says the assailants then took turns in raping the wife of the victim, before running away.

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