Some people think they can just do irresponsible things and not take the responsibility that comes with those things they did. People need to understand that there are things you will do as person and some of those things you will end up paying huge prices for those things.

It’s no secret that when a man sleeps with a woman without using any protection she will fall pregnant, unless the woman is on some pill or anything to prevent herself from falling pregnant. But some men will just assume that the woman is on a pill and not use a protection when sleeping with her, and then the next thing they will want the woman to take responsibility for what they both did and probably knew it might affect them which is not using a protection while having s*x.

guy by the name of Mqobi commented on Luke’s post this happened after Luke took to his social media account and shared a post asking his alleged girlfriend if she bought the pill, and I assume that the pill his asking her about is the morning after pill, that women normally drink the next morning after having an unprotected s*x with a man to prevent themselves from falling pregnant.

After posting this screenshot Mqobi also commented with a different screenshot, and by the look of things his going through the same thing as Luke. Because the screenshot he shared he is also asking the same question, though he was not specific but he just said did you buy it , he then also said that he is scared to ask again.

It’s funny how these guys are blaming women for this. If they knew that they were not ready to have babies why did they have s*x without using any protection. If you know your not ready to be a father use protection. And not only for this reason but also to make sure you protect yourself from sicknesses that you might get from sleeping with people without using protection.

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