Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS) says Malawi is expected to receive normal to above normal rainfall amounts in most parts of the country during the 2022/2023 rainfall season.

In a statement released on Thursday, the department said extreme weather event such as heavy rains which leads to floods are also likely to occur in flood prone areas while some parts of the country may experience pockets of prolonged dry spells during the season.

“During the period of October to December 2022, normal to above –normal total rainfall amounts are expected over most areas of the country, however, there is a high chance of below normal rainfall amounts in the month of December mainly over central and northern areas of Malawi.”

“During the period of January to March 2023, normal total rainfall amounts are expected over most areas, with some pockets of below normal likely over the south eastern and central areas in Malawi,” reads the statement.

In addition, the statement called for Malawians living in flood prone areas to get prepared with measures to mitigate the impacts of above rainfall as predicted calling on councils to start dredging waterways to avoid flash floods that are likely to occur during the season.

It also called on the need to get prepared for possibilities of health problems due to high temperatures that may be experienced in October, November and December.

The statement further assured Malawians that the department will continue issuing updates to inform people on extreme weather events such tropical cyclones.

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