ZAMBIA – A WOMAN of Lusaka yesterday begged the Lusaka Boma Local Court to separate her from her pentecostal pastor husband who has been slaughtering and chewing from his own flock.

The court heard that Desmond Phiri aged 42, a flomboyant preacher and papa-in-charge of Champion Assembly Pentecost Church of Kitwe on the Copperbelt was more interested in entertaining himself under the skirts of his female congregants rather than imparting the gospel in their hearts.

His wife Priscilla Masebo, aged 44 and a resident of Makeni Villa in Lusaka, told the court that she was no longer interested in her 10-year old marriage with Phiri because his FINDECO-high libido levels had turned him into a ruthless predator of his unsuspecting flock.

“I left home because I felt emotionally tortured by my husband’s infidelity. He goes out with ladies within the church without respecting me as his wife,” Masebo told the court presided over by justice Martha Tembo.

She said a week after leaving home, her husband called and told her that he was moving out of their matrimonial home because he could no longer afford the rentals.

“To my shock, I learnt that he moved in with one of his girlfriends and so I decided to just end the marriage because my husband, who claims to be a man of God, is still playing,” Masebo said.

But Phiri said the problems of their marriage emerged after his wife sought prayers from another pentecostal papa after the couple’s only son, aged eight, became epileptic.

According to Phiri, his fellow papa told his wife that her son was under spiritual attack and was on the verge of being offered as a sacfrice to Satan by her husband.

He said acting on the information, Masebo left home and said she would not return until her husband was delivered of his evil.

But Masebo rejected her husband’s claims as false and insisted she that wanted the marriage to end upon which justice Tembo divorced the couple and ordered Phiri to support his child with K700 every month.



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