President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has appealed to investors in the Agriculture Sector to consider investing in Malawi, saying his administration is ready to work with the investors.

Chakwera said this when addressing the Nuveen Agriculture investors yesterday at the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU) in New York, USA,

Nuveen is an American assets worth 1.2 trillion under the percentage of TIAA, he also urged the investors to start with Malawi which is home to one of the world’s freshwater lake.

He also challenged the gathering to consider investing in Africa because of its vast land and fresh water recourses.

President Chakwera said, “His administration is reorganizing the farming communities into cooperatives to enable investors to partner with local farmers in the creation of mega.”

“Let’s create the world’s greatest food reserve in Malawi together. Let’s make this dream a reality so that when the kind of nightmares we are seeing unfold in Eastern Europe happen, we are not all left at the mercy of aggressors.”

He added that his administration is also reorganizing the public sector in order to cut out corruption bureaucracy that have made doing business difficult in the past and the Malawi’s land laws have also been streamlined to strike a balance between making land  available for both genuine investors and protecting land investors from pseudo investors.

“My resolve to make a Malawi a place where government processes do not stand in the way of setting up or running business operations is total and uncompromising.” Said Chakwera.

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