THE 18-year-old St Faith High School Form Four student, who committed suicide under mysterious circumstances, left a suicide note in which he drew an image of him, surrounded by other students, who were attacking him.

He committed suicide on Friday. Tatenda Kapuya was buried in Domboshava yesterday along with all his belongings.

Investigations, being carried out by Rusape CID, indicate that the deceased left a suicide note.

The matter has since been reported under RRB number 5156770 at ZRP Rusape Central.

It has been reported that he left a note, where he drew an image of himself, surrounded by fellow students, who were attacking him.

He also blamed the headmaster for not saving him from students who attacked him.

However, in a sudden death by hanging memorandum released by Rusape CID, it is reported that the informant was Tatenda Mudonhi, 17, a roommate.

On September 22, and at around 10pm, the now deceased was driven to his mother’s residence by the school head Arnold Makamba,54.

It is reported that the decision was taken to ensure the safety of the late student, after he was being threatened by other students, who were accusing him of practising Satanism at the school.

He was left in the custody of his mother, Sarudzai Kapuya, 49.

On September, 23, and at around 7am, the now deceased bade farewell to his mother claiming that he intended to submit his academic CALA assignments, which were due at school.

On arrival at the school, at around midday, he went straight to his dormitory room, without reporting to the school headmaster.

In the dormitory was the informant whom he shared the room with.

It is reported Tatenda instructed his roommate to go out of the dormitory and look for his friend, Prince Bonyongwe, who is also a student at St Faith High School.

The informant failed to locate Bonyongwe and returned to the dormitory to give feedback to the late.

“On arrival at the dormitory, the informant found the deceased hanging and was showing no signs of life.

“The informant immediately went on to advise Israel Chikonodanga, 44, a canteen supervisor at St Faith High School.

“The canteen supervisor then advised the St Faith High School boarding master Mike Mutisi, 47, who then advised the headmaster.

“The school then drove to the police, in the company of the informant, where a report was then made.

“According to investigations carried out, the scene was attended by ZRP Rusape Central and CID Rusape members.”

A suicide note, written by the late, was found on the school table in his dormitory.

It read: “Yaa bepa ramatora nderangu ndaida kuzviuraya then I thought I could get some attention to (reveal) all that was stressing me.

“But, now, guess you just don’t care anymore, Ngoni sorry, mom sorry, everyone sorry. I was a burden and now I have to go.”

The body was searched and no injuries were noted.

His pockets were searched and US$1, and a few staple pins, were found and taken by police.

The body was taken to Rusape General Hospital for post-mortem. H Metro

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