The Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) in conjunction with the Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MoEST) has released examination results for Primary School Certificate of Education (PSLCE).

According to MANEB, out of 260, 295 candidates who sat for Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education Examinations, 216, 664 have passed.

This represent 83.24 percent pass rate.

MANEB further said that 89,404 candidates out of the 260, 295 candidates who sat for 2022 Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations have been selected to Secondary school, representing a 41.62 percent transition rate, an improvement from last year’s 37 percent.

On selection to Form One, Minister of Education, Agnes Nyalonje said 89, 404 have been selected, representing 41 percent.

During this year’s PSLCE examination, 10 districts have performed exceptionally well and are as follows:

Zomba Urban (95.98%)

Nkhata Bay (93.88%)

Likoma ( 93.00%)

Mzuzu City ( 92.64%)

Phalombe ( 92.44%)

Zomba Rural ( 91.72%)

Thyolo (89.14%)

Mchinji (85.91%)

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