The Mwanza Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court has convicted and sentenced Jacqueline Mofolo, 38, to pay K100, 000.00 fine in default to spend two months in jail for possessing Indian Hemp without a license.

The court heard through state prosecutor, Sub Inspector Kenneth Chatsalira that Mofolo was arrested on October 2, 2022 at Mwanza Border Post after she was found with six kilogrammes of the illicit drug.

Chatsalira said Mofolo appeared in court on October 6 and pleaded guilty and admitted to the charge of possession of chamba without license.

In mitigation, Mofolo asked for court’s leniency, claiming that she has children to take care of.

In his submission, Chatsalira asked the court to give the convict a stiffer punishment as a deterrent to others.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Sajda Maiden concurred with the state; hence, ordered Mofolo to pay K100, 000.00 or in default to serve two months imprisonment with hard labour.

Mofolo has since paid the fine.

Mofolo comes from Mtila Village in the area of Traditional Authority Sitola in Machinga.

Source: Brian Wasili, Mana

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