Since the old times up till now, from generation to generation, we are all taught the importance of washing the hands.

It has become part of us now. Day in day out, after eating or doing any dirty work, we wash our hands to make it clean.

And we teach this to those who have little knowledge about washing hands, and also advise them about the importance of it.

Our daily living leads us to make contact with money.

We handle money every day for different purposes, like selling, buying, and even used as gifts.

Money is distributed amongst many people, which as a result gets into contact with different bodies.

Germs are easily formed on the surfaces of money, therefore it is advised to immediately wash the hands after handling them.

Assuming that after working with money, you use your hands to pick the teeth or rub the eyes, know that you’ve invited illness inside the body.

It would be best to wash the hands immediately after using money, this is so to ensure safety in doing other things without endangering one’s health.

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