Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM) says the country stands in ending all forms of child labor in the country, if the corporate world take the leading role in the fight against the vice.

The association president, Annie Chavula said Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was helping in eliminating child labor in the country.

Chavula said, “We are asking employers in the corporate world to pledge on supporting activities to address main cause of child labor and help the children not to be abused through the memorandum of understandings, private-public partnerships, that addresses educational communities.”

Chavula said while significant progress has been made in reducing child labour over the past years, the progress has been slowed due to poor participation of the corporate world in the fight at the grassroots level.

The child labor is mostly practiced in the tobacco and tea district of the country.

Five districts will be targeted in the country including Thyolo, Mulanje, Mzimba, Ntchisi and Chitipa, where the worst forms of all child labor are being practiced.

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